Hi, I am Dave and this is a my bio. I have 25+ years experience working in the IT field. I started off building PC’s and developed from there. I have been a Desktop support engineer, SME (Many technologies), performed data centre migrations, infrastructure architect and most recently DevOps engineer and cloud architect. The last 5 years or so I have been working in the cloud space. Here I have performed Active Directory extensions from on-premise into Azure and AWS (design and implementation), design work, security, automation and a lot of coding.
My current role as devops lead involves deploying infrastructure across AWS and heavy use of kubernetes. This involves helm and helmfile deployments.
My skills were originally focused around the Microsoft product set, the cloud and customer demand has pushed me into developing skills in Linux and numerous coding and automation products, either cloud native or open source products.
I have always loved to code. The last few years I have been in a position to extend my old PowerShell knowledge into bash and most recently Python.
I have a number of AWS certifications and recently certified in terraform (credits to Ned Bellavance for making such engaging course content). Take a look at my badges on acclaim.
I recently dawned on me that I have some knowledge to share so decided to setup this site in the spirit of sharing. If you like or even dislike any content I add, let me know. If you think I could have done something better, let me know. Learning is key these days and we all have a lot to learn in this rapidly changing space we live and work in.